Hugo Bastidas: Stories
29 de Noviembre de 2013 - 25 de enero de 2014
La NH Galeria expondrá una serie de obras del aclamado artista Hugo Bastidas a partir del 29 de Noviembre de 2013. Esta recopilación de obras de entre el 2001 al 2010 representan la diversidad de temas y conceptos que Bastidas maneja. Según dice “hay un titulo inicial que reúne una serie de conceptos” y de este punto inicia una búsqueda de representación en una infinidad de material que ha ido recopilando como libros, recortes, base de datos de imágenes. Luego usa los conceptos intelectuales y las impresiones de viajes, con los elementos adecuados e imágenes accidentales para lograr una relación entre ellos.
Su pintura se destaca por un manejo impecable del monocromo en donde logra pinceladas limpias precisas que le van dando forma a nuevas realidades en las que logra transmitir la esencia precisa del momento. Es una obra que no busca ser hiperrealista, por el contrario el uso del blanco y el negro le permite mantener un carácter abstracto según nos dice.
Para Bastidas sus obras hablan del ser humano y la forma en que resuelve su mundo desde una mirada externa, de la forma en que se relacionan los seres humanos con su entorno, su medio ambiente y su vida. Para el esa visión externa de la vida es algo que se ve en muchas culturas, incluso en esta cultura internacional homogenizada. Nos dice que pensamos mas en cambiar nuestro medio ambiente que en adaptarnos a el.
Hugo Bastidas nace en Quito, Ecuador en 1956 y vive en Estados Unidos desde sus 4 años de edad, logra una formación única en el campo del arte, desde el Instituto Pratt hasta el M.F.A. Hunter College de New York. A lo largo de su carrera se hace acreedor de premios como becario del Robert Smithson Memorial, la beca “ATI” del consulado de artes de New Jersey, Beca Fullbright, así como menciones honorificas reconocidas por su trabajo en las artes. Su obra hace parte de colecciones publicas importantes en las que se destaca la Universidad de Yale, El museo de arte moderno de Santo Domingo, Museo del estado de New Jersey, Museo de arte de Fort Lauderdale, Museo de Montclair NJ. Una extensa lista de exposiciones individuales y colectivas hacen parte de una trayectoria impecable.
November 29, 2013 - January 25, 2014
NH Galeria will show a series of works by renowned artist Hugo Bastidas, starting November 29, 2013. This compilation of works, dated between 2001 to 2010, represent the diversity of themes and concepts approached by Bastidas. In his own words, “there is an opening title that embraces a series of concepts”, and from this point on, he starts searching for representation in a vast number of materials that he has been compiling, such as books, newspaper cuts, image databases. Then, he uses the intellectual concepts and the impressions on his trips, with suitable elements and accidental images to create a relationship between them.
His paintings stand out for the impeccable use of monochromatic technique, in which he uses precise and clean brushstrokes that shape new realities in which he manages to communicate the exact essence of the moment. He does not look to be a hyperrealist; on the contrary, the use of black and white allows him to keep an abstract character.
For Bastidas, his works of art speak of the human being and the way in which we solve our world from an external point of view, of the way in which human beings relate to each other, to their environment, and their lives. For him, the external vision of life is something that we see in many cultures, even in our current standardized international culture. For him, we think more about changing our environment rather than adapting to it.
Hugo Bastidas was born in Quito, Ecuador, in 1956, and has been living in the US since he was 4 years old. He studied at the Pratt Institute and got his MFA at Hunter College, New York. Throughout his career, he has received awards from organizations such as the Robert Smithson Memorial, the Arts Consulate of New Jersey, the Fullbright Foundation, as well as mentions of honor for his work in the arts. His work is in important public art collections such as the Yale University, the Museum of Modern Art of Santo Domingo, the State Museum of New Jersey, the Art Museum of Fort Lauderdale, Montclair Museum in NJ. He has an extensive list of individual and group shows are part of an impeccable trajectory.